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Introduction Though initially MVC pattern was mostly used as server-side MVC and used with server side rendering (SSR), with advent of rich client side front-end frameworks, a shift in paradigm took place: backend api + rich client One reason for this paradigm shift was due to the fact that companies and developers wanted to use (almost ) the same backend for applications on multiple platforms…

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shell command: ** What does it do?** Does full-format listing of processes of current user. Pipes it to "vipe" command that gives the user a chance to modify it on the fly, and then does a line count "wc -l" on it. description: ps -f -u ${USER} ps A command to report a snapshot of the current processes -f full-format listing output format (shows useful information in output of the command) -u…

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TLDR if you are going to use netlify for static site hosting and you care about using https, you have to use Netlify DNS as well. You are a smart developer and are already using cloudflare dns for your domain. In fact you already have bunch of dns entries set in cloudflare for your domain. Now you want to use your domain or subdomain for your static website hosted on netlify also care about using…

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shell command: ** What does it do?** Return folder size of ~/code/github and ~/code/gitlab folders in a human readable format. description: du -sh return folder size in a human readable format for given path. ~/code/git{hub,lab} path to my folers has few parts: ~/code/git the fixed string part of path {hub,lab} embraced part of string that will is a expand and be concatenated to previous part…

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1. Save md5sum of all files in all dirs/subdirs to a file shell command: description: /home/user desired path to search for files. Change it to your desired path -type f only find files, not directories -exec md5sum {} \; executes md5sum command for each found file, represented by {} sign here. has few parts: -exec COMMAND_HERE \; execute the given command on a found file. md5sum {} execute md5sum…

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