shell command:
du -sh ~/code/git{hub,lab}
** What does it do?** Return folder size of ~/code/github and ~/code/gitlab folders in a human readable format.
du -sh
- return folder size in a human readable format for given path.
- path to my folers
has few parts:
- ~/code/git the fixed string part of path
- {hub,lab} embraced part of string that will is a expand and be concatenated to previous part.
** Following two commands will generate exactly the same results as aforementioned command:**
du -sh ~/code/{github,gitlab}
echo ~/code/git{hub,lab} | xargs du -sh
Further points
spaces are note allowed inside brace, otherwise it won't expand. If your folder name has space, enclosed it in quotes.
echo {hub, lab}
echo {hub,lab}
- it is a better idea to use printf "%s\n" instead of echo:
printf "%s\n" {hub,lab}